Adopt a Brumby
In partnership with HQ plantations, TBP has brumbies available for adoption year-round and in conjunction with our starting camps. Brumbies available outside of camps are unhandled and are suited to experienced and approved homes with expertise and suitable facilities.
Mares and foals, colts and stallions are available in a range of types, colours and ages. When they are trapped, brumbies will require homes straight away (ie they are not held on property indefinitely). So, if you are thinking of adding a brumby to your family in the future, fill out the form below:

Mare and Foal packages
Mares with young to weanling aged foals at foot are available for adoption. Depending on the age of the foal, these mares are ready to start, or may need some time to put on condition.

Lightly handled brumby
Lightly handled brumbies are available following camps. These brumbies have learnt basic groundwork including catching, leading, tying and float loading.

Started under saddle
Occassionally we are contacted by people wishing to find a new home for their ridden brumby - we can put you in touch as these become available.

Toolara and Tuan brumbies are of mixed height - maturing around the 14 hh mark, with some variation. Many of the brumbies will grow and fill out once they are taken home and have the nutrition they need.

As part of the trapping program, bachelor mobs (young and teenage colts) and family groups (mares, stallions and foals) are all passively trapped. We have a range of ages available for adoption.

Brumbies generally make sensible, reliable and loyal horses. We have helped to pair hundreds of brumbies with their humans and once you win them over, they will be your mate for life.